A Big Thank You + 2021

To Our Volunteers…Thank YOU!!

We want to say how thankful we are to have you all a part of this special project. You should know what we've already done is more than just putting a fridge somewhere and filling it with food...

*LBF provides a space for restaurants to donate extra food that would have otherwise been waste,

*Curates a sack lunch program on a weekly basis to 400+ neighbors,

*Provides groceries for mentally-ill tenants who were previously homeless,

*and seeks to do more.


Our brand awareness starts with you. Your kind hearts shine bright when talking to other volunteers, small businesses, friends, and family about this project. You're spreading goodness just by sharing the message and experience.

Like many of us who are not originally from here, we represent everything Denver has given us and this is us giving back opportunity, resourceful organizations, and someone to count on. I'm so proud of where the project has gotten, and we have so much to look forward to in 2021!

Here's to you all! Wish you a Happy Holidays!


Month of Love + New Donation Hours + How You Can Give